


Due to the ever-growing demand for convenient purchase mechanisms, the number of e-commerce sales continue to rise. Regulators all over the world understand the importance of e-commerce for the development of their economies and, therefore, adopt comprehensive laws governing various aspects of e-commerce transactions.

We offer comprehensive legal support to e-commerce businesses, including, without limitation, (i) drafting contractual agreements (e.g., terms and conditions, end-user license agreements, refund policies, disclaimers), (ii) conducting legal audits aiming to identify the legal requirements applicable to e-commerce businesses, and (iii) ensuring compliance with e-commerce laws (e.g., the EU e-commerce directive).

E-commerce companies also need to adhere to the applicable consumer protection laws. Regulators see consumers as the weaker parties in Business-to-Consumer (B2C) transactions and do not hesitate to fine or otherwise sanction businesses violating consumer rights. Our services include provision of guidelines on how to conduct efficient business activities while respecting the applicable consumer laws.

We can also assist with identifying suitable providers of payment services and preparing applications for using their services.