
What do Linux system administrators need to know about the GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union law that applies not only to EU companies, but also to all companies collecting...

Is Kleros a Fair Dispute Resolution System?

Kleros’ approach to arbitration is radically different to traditional court systems and alternative dispute resolution methods. Relying on...

GDPR Trolls

Patent trolls are not a new phenomenon. They buy patents for the sole purpose of extorting and suing companies. Since patent-related litigation...

Consequences of the Late Announcement of Cyber-security Incidents

Cyber-security attacks that are becoming more and more common among various types and sizes of organizations may have serious effects on...

Tips for Drafting Efficient Employee Information Security Policies

Employee information security policies impose obligations on employees of organizations which aim to reduce the risks of cyber-attacks. Such...

The Future of Information Security

In this article, we look at the current trends in the field of information security and present speculations as to what the future of the field...

US-Russia Cyber-Security Unit: Future Reality or Pipe Dream

On 9th of July 2017, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, published the following tweet: “Putin & I discussed forming an...

Cybersecurity as an ethical obligation

An ethical obligation is a standard that defines a moral course of action. Many professions are subject to comprehensive sets of ethical...

US Regions Most Vulnerable to a Cyber Attack

  In December 2016, the Identity Theft Resource Center published a report indicating the top 10 cyber-risk vulnerable U.S. regions. The ten...


  In May 2017, a new form of ransomware called WannaCry affected more than 230,000 personal and business computers in over 150 countries. The...

PhD Defence

Daniel will defend his PhD dissertation on 27th of June 2017. The dissertation aims to examine whether Crowdsourced Online Dispute Resolution...

Security Concerns of Flying Motorcycles

Flying motorcycles resembling the flying machines from Star Wars are about to be placed on the market. A number of developers are working on...

2016 Trends in Ransomware

Ransomware is not a new phenomenon, yet it remains one of the most popular forms of cybercrime due to the ease of its distribution and the good...

Technologies for Conducting Privacy Compliance Assessments

Most jurisdictions worldwide have developed comprehensive privacy laws which impose a number of obligations on organizations collecting personal...

The End of Bitcoin Ransomware?

Bitcoin, a virtual currency generated through peer-to-peer technology and not controlled by any central authority, is used not only for paying for...